Package digilib.image

Interface DocuImage

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DocuImageImpl, ImageInfoDocuImage, ImageLoaderDocuImage

    public interface DocuImage
    The basic class for the representation of a digilib image. The actual image object is hidden in the class, only methods for loading, manipulation, and saving are exported. This strategy enables implementations using different toolkits that rely on different image base classes (like JIMI, Java2D and JAI).
    • Method Detail

      • isSubimageSupported

        boolean isSubimageSupported()
        This DocuImage supports the loadSubImage operation.
        if loadSubImage is supported
      • loadSubimage

        void loadSubimage​(ImageInput ii,
                          Rectangle region,
                          int subsample)
                   throws FileOpException
        Load only a subsampled region of the image file.
        ii - the ImageInput
        region - the region
        subsample - the subsample
        FileOpException - on error
      • writeImage

        void writeImage​(String mt,
                        OutputStream ostream)
                 throws ImageOpException,
        Writes the current image to an OutputStream. The image is encoded to the mime-type mt and sent to the output stream ostream. Currently only mime-types "image/jpeg" and "image/png" are supported.
        mt - mime-type of the image to be sent.
        ostream - OutputStream where the image is sent.
        ImageOpException - Exception in other cases.
        FileOpException - Exception on sending data
      • getWidth

        int getWidth()
        The width of the current image in pixel.
        Image width in pixels.
      • getHeight

        int getHeight()
        The height of the current image in pixel.
        Image height in pixels.
      • getSize

        ImageSize getSize()
        The size of the current image in pixel.
        the ImageSize
      • getMimetype

        String getMimetype()
        The mime-type of the image, i.e. the mime-type of the input that was read.
        String the mime-type of this image.
      • crop

        void crop​(int xoff,
                  int yoff,
                  int width,
                  int height)
           throws ImageOpException
        Crops the current image. Cuts out a region of the size width x height at the offset xoff, yoff from the current image and replaces the current image with the result.
        xoff - X offset of crop region
        yoff - Y offset of crop region
        width - width of crop region
        height - height of crop region
        ImageOpException - on error
      • scale

        void scale​(double scaleX,
                   double scaleY)
            throws ImageOpException
        Scales the current image. Replaces the current image with an image scaled by the factor scale.
        scaleX - the scaleX
        scaleY - the scaleY
        ImageOpException - on error
      • cropAndScale

        void cropAndScale​(int x_off,
                          int y_off,
                          int width,
                          int height,
                          double scale,
                          int qual)
                   throws ImageOpException
        Crops and scales the current image. The current image is cropped to a rectangle of width, height at position x_off, y_off. The resulting image is scaled by the factor scale using the interpolation quality qual (0=worst).
        x_off - x offset of the crop rectangle in pixel.
        y_off - y offset of the crop rectangle in pixel.
        width - width of the crop rectangle in pixel.
        height - height of the crop rectangle in pixel.
        scale - scaling factor.
        qual - interpolation quality (0=worst).
        ImageOpException - exception thrown on any error.
      • rotate

        void rotate​(double angle)
             throws ImageOpException
        Rotates the current image. Replaces the current image with a rotated image. The image is rotated around the center by the angle given in degrees [0, 360] clockwise. Image size and aspect ratio are likely to change.
        angle - rotation angle in degree
        ImageOpException - on error
      • mirror

        void mirror​(double angle)
             throws ImageOpException
        Mirrors the current image. Replaces the current image with a mirrored image. The mirror axis goes through the center of the image and is rotated by angle degrees. Currently only horizontal and vertical mirroring (0 and 90 degree) are supported.
        angle - angle of mirror axis
        ImageOpException - on error
      • enhance

        void enhance​(float mult,
                     float add)
              throws ImageOpException
        Enhances brightness and contrast of the current image. Replaces the current image with a brightness and contrast enhanced image. Contrast is enhanced by multiplying the pixel value with the constant mult. Brightness is enhanced by adding the constant add to the pixel value. Operation: p1 = (p0*mult)+add.
        mult - multiplicative constant for contrast enhancement
        add - additive constant for brightness enhancement
        ImageOpException - on error
      • enhanceRGB

        void enhanceRGB​(float[] rgbm,
                        float[] rgba)
                 throws ImageOpException
        Manipulates the colors of the current image. Replaces the current image with a color modified image. For the red, green and blue color channels all pixel values are multiplied by the constant m and added to the constant a. Operation: p1 = (p0*m)+a.
        rgbm - multiplicative constants for red, green, blue
        rgba - additive constant for red, green, blue
        ImageOpException - on error
      • colorOp

        void colorOp​(DocuImage.ColorOp op)
              throws ImageOpException
        Changes the colors of the current image. Changes the colors of the current image. Operations are instances of ColorOp: GRAYSCALE: cast color image to grayscale NTSC_GRAY: convert color image to grayscale using NTSC formula INVERT: invert colors (every channel separately) MAP_GRAY_BGR: false color image from grayscale (0: blue, 128: green, 255: red)
        op - the ColorOp
        ImageOpException - on error
      • getQuality

        int getQuality()
        Returns the interpolation quality.
        int the quality
      • setQuality

        void setQuality​(int quality)
        Sets the interpolation quality.
        quality - The quality to set
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Frees all resources bound to the DocuImage. Things that should be freed are image objects and open files.
      • getSupportedFormats

        Iterator<String> getSupportedFormats()
        Returns the list of supported image formats.
        the list of supported image formats
      • getAwtImage

        Image getAwtImage()
        returns the underlying image as java.awt.Image (if possible, or null)
        the Image
      • getVersion

        String getVersion()
        returns the version of the DocuImage implementation.
        the version
      • setHacks

        void setHacks​(String hackString)
        Set implementation specific image hacks. Sets static class members. Needs to be called only once per class. Format: comma separated key=value pairs (no spaces!).
        hackString - the hackString
      • getHacksAsString

        String getHacksAsString()
        Return String representation of implementation specific image hacks.
        the hackstring
      • setHint

        void setHint​(String key,
                     Object value)
        Set optional image specific hints with additional information.
        key - the key
        value - the value
      • getHint

        Object getHint​(String key)
        Returns the image specific hint with the given key.
        key - the key
        the hint
      • setReaderClasses

        void setReaderClasses​(Map<String,​String> typeClassMap)
        Set preferred image reader classes. Configured with a Map containing content-type and class-name. Sets static class members. Needs to be called only once per class.
        typeClassMap -
      • setWriterClasses

        void setWriterClasses​(Map<String,​String> typeClassMap)
        Set preferred image writer classes. Configured with a Map containing content-type and class-name. Sets static class members. Needs to be called only once per class.
        typeClassMap -